You may not be able to attend an event that you previously registered for. Handshake offers the option to unregister for an event that you'll no longer be participating in.
Depending on how you registered for the event, follow the steps within the expandable headers to cancel your event registration.
If you're not sure how you registered, start with "Directly in Handshake"!
Directly in Handshake
If you registered for the event in Handshake, you can unregister for the event yourself.
1. Click Events on the left navigation menu.
2. All events and fairs posted to your institution will load by default. Click the white button Registered with the calendar icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
3. From the list displayed on the right of the page, click the event that you'd like to unregister for.
4. Click the blue link Unregister, located to the right of "Can't make the event?" in the upper-right corner of the page.
5. Once clicked, the Register button will appear, and be clickable again. This means you have successfully unregistered for the event! Once you leave an event, the event will no longer be listed under the Registered section.
Note: if you receive a pop-up inquiring, "Did you unregister for this event?" when attempting to unregister, this means the event host used an external registration link for the event. Follow the process below in the next section to unregister.
Through an external link
If you received a pop-up "Did you unregister for this event?" when attempting to unregister for the event, or you know that you registered with an external link, you'll need to confirm whether the event is being hosted by your institution or an employer.
The best way to confirm this is to navigate to the event page - the host will be displayed above the events name.
If the event is being hosted by:
- An institution, contact the Career Services centre for assistance with cancelling the registration.
- An employer, contact the Handshake Support Team by submitting a ticket to unregister you.
Once you have unregistered for the event, return to the events page in Handshake and click the blue link Unregister, then click Yes within the pop-up "Did you unregister for this event?" to remove the registration in Handshake.
For more information on registering for an event, check out Registering for an Event.