Handshake supports SAML for SSO. Follow these instructions to set up single sign on.
Welcome to the single sign on setup process. Before we begin, it's worth noting that Handshake uses SSO to authenticate users only. Handshake does not support SSO for provisioning or updating account information.
Step 1: Download Handshake's Metadata
The easiest way to get started with SAML is to pull Handshake's metadata from the JISC Access Federation (UK-only). If you are not a member of the JISC Access Federation, please find a copy of our metadata attached at the bottom of this article.
Step 2: Configure your SAML Service
Using the following details you'll need to configure your SAML service to accept Handshake as an approved application. These details are valid for both UK & European implementations.
Handshake's Entity ID | https://app.joinhandshake.co.uk/sp |
Handshake's Assertion Consumer Service Post URL | https://app.joinhandshake.co.uk/saml_consume |
RequestedAttribute | FriendlyName="eduPersonPrincipalName" |
Requested Format | NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri" |
NOTE: The attribute or NameID you specify should return a value matching the format of the auth_identifier field from your student syncs.
You should specify the value you selected (either a NameID OR an attribute) in your Handshake SSO Preferences (after step 4 here). You should not use both NameID and an attribute.
Step 3: Login to Handshake to Setup SSO
Setting SSO up on Handshake is self-service! After your career services admin has added you to Handshake you can begin the process of configuring and testing SSO.
You can find that process documented here.
Note: You should not use any URLs or values you find on our US support articles as they will not work with the European version of Handshake.
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