The Events Discovery page is intended to help you find the most relevant events in your career journey!
You can use this page to refine your search with a variety of filters and groupings of interest.
To start discovering events and fairs in Handshake, click Events on the left navigation menu.
There are numerous filters available in Handshake to help narrow your search:
Keyword searchbar: search for an event or fair using the keyword search bar
- Note: keyword search may not filter the results - but affects the ordering
Category: filter your results by identifying a particular category
- Career Fair - hiring events with numerous employers at your institution
- Hiring - find opportunities with employers that want to hire you now
- Guidance - resources for your career, job skills, CV, interviewing, and more
- Conference - all-day and multi-day events like expos, summits, and tradeshows
- Networking - social events with people who can help grow your professional network
- Employer Info - learn about companies, like day-to-day life, culture, and teams
- Academic - resources and info related to your institution
- General - general topics of interest
Medium: filter results by Virtual or In-Person
- Note: all mediums are displayed by default
Date: view results by date
When are you looking?
- All upcoming (automatically selected)
- Today
- Next 10 days
- Next 30 days
- Past year (allows you to view events/fairs from the previous year)
Time of Day
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Days of the week (Monday–Sunday)
When are you looking?
- Employer: use the keyword search to find results with a specific employer
More filters: use additional filters to narrow your search.
- Labels: use the keyword search to locate results using a specific label
- Events: check the box to only view results posted by your institution
- Career Centre: select events at a specific Career Centre
- Three lines icon: sort results by Relevance or Date
You can also discover events and fairs by specific groupings - click on the tiles, located below the filters:
Career fairs at your institution
- Shows all career fairs hosted by your institution only
Career centre employer events
- Shows any institution-hosted events with attending employers, this includes:
- Institution-owned and institution-hosted with employers (virtual, in-person, hybrid)
- Employer-owned and institution-hosted (on campus/in-person, hybrid)
- Note: this group does not include career fairs
- Shows any institution-hosted events with attending employers, this includes:
Career centre guidance events
- CV reviews, etc.
- Shows institution events with the category of “career guidance”
Events hosted by employers
- Shows employer-owned and employer-hosted events approved by the CV
To quickly access your Saved, Registered, and Check-in events, click the following icons in the upper-right corner of the search page:
Saved - Bookmark icon
- Any event you've saved, but not registered for will be displayed.
Registered - Calendar Icon
- Any event you've registered for, but have not attended yet can be accessed.
Check-ins - Check mark icon
- Any event you've attended will be displayed.
Once you find an event or fair of interest, click on the tile to load the overview page - here, you can review details and register! For more information on registering for an event in Handshake, refer to Registering for an Event.