Representatives can be added to an existing career fair registration while the registration period is still open.
Note: you will not be able to edit the number of representatives attending the fair. If this is needed, reach out directly to the Career Fair Point of Contact prior to following the steps below.
1. Click Fairs from the left navigation bar, then locate the registration for the relevant fair. To access your registration, refer to How to View/Edit a Career Fair Registration.
2. Navigate to the Representatives section on the Edit tab of the registration form.
Note: if the registration period has closed, you will no longer be able to make edits. Please contact the Career Fair Point of Contact for assistance.
3. Click into the search bar below
- To remove a user, click the X to the left of their name.
- If a specific teammate is not found, you may create a contact to add them as a representative. Click on the hyperlinked text Create it here, located below the search bar.
In the pop-up modal, enter the user's details, then click the blue button Create Contact.
The following fields are required:
- First Name
Once the contact is created, search for the newly created contact in the search bar to add them as a representative.
4. When finished, click the blue button Update Registration in the lower-right corner of the registration form.
The error message "The number of contacts must not be greater than the request representative count" appears if you have not contacted the school to update the total representative count.