The Labels page within your School Settings allows you to create new labels as well as manage existing labels.
For best practices using labels, please refer to Handshake's Guide to Using Labels.
Table of Contents:
- Navigating to the label management page
- Using the label management page
- How to Edit a Label
- How to Archive a Label
- How to download a list of your school's labels
Navigating to the label management page
1. Click on your name in the upper-right corner of Handshake, then click on School Settings from the dropdown.
2. Click on Labels from the menu on the left of the page.
3. You will now see the Labels management page.
Using the label management page
Create a new label by clicking the green button Create New Label, located toward the top middle of the page, and filling out the appropriate fields:
- Label name (this is the name that will be shown on the items and in reporting)
- Used for (this is the type of items the label will be applied to)
- Type
- Normal labels: Only visible to the staff at your school
Public labels: Visible by career services staff and students
- Note: public labels applied to student profiles are not visible to students
You can filter the labels that appear by using the search field or the filters directly below search:
- Used For (Contact, Employer, Experience, Student, Event, Fair, etc.)
- Count (The amount of items the label is applied to)
- Visibility (Normal, System, Public)
- Created By (who created the label)
- Other (include Archived labels)
Once you've filtered as desired, you can sort the displayed labels by clicking on any of the column heading names:
- Name
- Used For
- Count
- Visibility
- Created by
How to Edit a Label
To edit an existing label, click on the three dots to the far right of the label row, then click Edit Label:
On the pop-up that appears, you can adjust the following attributes:
- Label name
- Used For
- Label type (public or normal)
How to Archive a Label
To archive a label, click on the three dots to the far right of the label row, then click Archive:
A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the archival of this label. Click Archive to proceed:
A message will appear at the bottom of the screen indicating that the archive was successful, with the message: "Successfully archived this label."
Note: this will not remove the label from any labeled items, however, the archived label will no longer appear in label filters or reporting.
How to download a list of your school's labels
Click the Download button on the upper-right of the label management page:
This will automatically initiate the download of labels. This file will be emailed to you, and will automatically open upon completion. The download will provide all labels from your school, including archived labels. The labels will be provided using the following columns:
- Name
- Count
- Used for
- Created by First (Name)
- Created by Last (Name)
- Type
- Status