Job postings must be approved in order to be discoverable by your students. Employers can request to post jobs to your institution in Handshake.
Note: If you'd like to approve an employer after they've posted a job to your institution, please refer to Processing Employer Approval Requests using Job Based Approvals
To review job posting requests pending at your institution, click Jobs from the left navigation bar, then click on the Pending tab.
Note: you can also access Pending jobs via the Home tab on the left navigation bar. Pending jobs will be displayed on the right side of the page under Job Postings.
- Pending jobs from the Jobs tab reflects currently pending jobs.
Pending jobs from the Home tab reflects all pending jobs, which includes jobs employers posted that expire within the same day. So the result may be jobs pending and expired.
Job posting requests can be processed in the following ways:
- from the list of pending or in progress jobs
- from the job posting's overview page
- in bulk from the list of pending or in progress jobs
- automatically approved by the system
- Second Request postings
Process pending jobs individually
From the list of pending jobs
To approve an individual posting from the list of pending jobs, in the column to the far right titled "Actions" click Approve or Decline
in the corresponding job's row to approve or decline that posting.
Note: if you decline a job, you'll be prompted for more information. For more info on this prompt, check out Using Job Decline Reasons!
From the job posting's overview page
1. From the list of jobs, click directly on the job title to open the job side sheet. From here, you can click the ellipsis in the top right corner and choose View job details to open the job overview page, which displays all of the posting details. Scroll down the page to review job posting information.
- If you'd like more information from the employer prior to approving, we recommend to use the In Progress status and add a comment to the job to request the desired clarification. Type your comment in the text field, then click Add Comment to save.
2. To process the posting, in the Status row, click the button for Approved, In Progress, or Declined, then click the Save or Save and View Next (to review the next pending posting).
Approved: Save will turn green and update to "Save Approved" or "Save Approved & View Next"
In Progress: the buttons will remain blue and read "Save" or "Save & View Next"
Declined: Save will turn red and update to "Save Declined" or "Save Declined & View Next"
- Note: if you decline a job, you'll be prompted for more information. For more info on this prompt, check out Using Job Decline Reasons!
- Note: if you decline a job, you'll be prompted for more information. For more info on this prompt, check out Using Job Decline Reasons!
Process pending jobs in bulk
1. From the list of jobs, click to check the box to the immediate left of the job posting's title––check as many as is desired, or click Select All in the column header row to select all listed postings.
2. To process the postings, in the column header row, click:
Approve to make the posting live to students
- Note: if the Apply Start date is in the future, the posting will be viewable to students, but they will not be able to apply till the specified start date. For the best experience, we recommend not approving jobs with an Apply Start date in the future and instead, leave them as "Pending" or "In Progress" till the specified date.
Decline to prevent the posting from being accessible to your students
- Note: if you decline a job, you'll be prompted for more information. For more info on this prompt, check out Using Job Decline Reasons!
The ellipsis button to select from more options:
- Set to In Progress to indicate the posting is under review or consideration.
- Tip: If you plan to approve at a later date, such as with the example for a future Apply Start date, you can also add a label to quickly identify the postings at that time!
- Add label to job to add a label to the job.
- Remove label from job to remove a label from the job.
- Email contacts or creators to open a targeted email draft so that you can contact the owner of the job posting with questions.
3. After approving, declining, or setting the job to in progress, the page will automatically refresh and save the changes.
Configure automatic job approvals
Best Practice: Start Small; allow auto-approval for only your most trusted employers at first which may include: Alumni, Employers that attended your career fair, Fortune 500, or local/recruiters you have worked with in the past.
Intuitive Approvals
When you've approved 4 consecutive job postings from the same company and click to approve the 5th, a notice will appear immediately after approval, asking if you want to enable auto-approval for the employer.
Click the option to Turn On Auto-Approval to enable automatic job approvals for future job posting requests.
A confirmation will pop-up in the lower-right corner of the screen indicating that job postings from that company will now be auto-approved.
Note: if there are any other pending jobs from that employer, those jobs still must be manually processed. Only job postings requested after auto-approval is turned on will be auto-approved.
Employer Permissions
When employer requests are being processed, after selecting the permission (role) "Post Jobs", you can also select "Auto-Approve Jobs". This will auto-approve all future job posting requests from this employer. For more information, review Processing Employer Approval Requests.
Likewise, you can setup default employer approval preferences as described in School Settings: Default Employer Approval Preferences.
Second request postings
Second request postings are postings that were previously declined, and the employer was allowed the employer to submit the job for reconsideration.
You can locate Second request postings by clicking on All filters and scrolling to the bottom of the side sheet. The filter will be titled Second requests and you can choose to Show only second requests.
Processing second requests is functionally the same as a new posting request, however, we recommend to process second requests individually, via the job's overview page.
From the Pending list, click the Job Title to access the job details side sheet. Then click the ellipsis button and choose View job details.
On the Job Details page, scroll down to access the status and comments for this posting. The prior decline, decline reason, and actions taken by the employer are displayed in the comment experience.
You can update the posting status and comment as described in the section above, from the job posting's overview page.
For more info on how to allow second requests, check out Using Job Decline Reasons!