Labels are tags that your career services office can apply to data in Handshake to help classify, organize, and elevate the information in Handshake!
If you were provided a label, you can use the label to search within the Jobs and Events sections in Handshake.
1. Click Jobs on the left navigation menu, then click All Filters.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and locate the section titled Labeled by your school.
3. Click in the box to view the labels created by your school, or type in the box to find the desired label.
4. Click the blue button Show results to explore jobs with the chosen label!
1. Click Events on the left navigation menu, then click More Filters.
2. Within the pop-up, locate the Labels section, then type in the search box to locate the desired label.
3. Check the box to the right of the label you'd like search, then click View results.
1. Click on your accounts icon, located in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click My Meetings from the dropdown.
2. Click On-Campus Interviews.
3. Locate the Label section on the left menu, then click the arrow to expand the section.
4. Click the blue link View all.
5. In the pop-up, check the boxes to the left of the label you'd like to search interviews with, then click the blue button Done.