If your school uses appointment scheduling in Handshake, you can sign up and request an appointment with a career counselor using either the desktop or mobile platform.
Click on the expandable headers below for step-by-step instructions.
1. Click Career Center on the left navigation menu, then click Appointments, located below the school name.
2. Click the button Schedule a New Appointment in the upper-left corner of the page.
Tip: all of your past and upcoming appointments you've scheduled are listed here if you need to access them!
3. Click on the category, then click on the desired appointment type — A list of available appointment dates will appear based on the category and type selected.
From this page, you can use the Category, Type, Staff Member, and Appointment Medium menus to change selections and choose from available appointment options.
Click on the date to display the available times, then click on a time that works for you from the list that appears under the date.
As of May 2023, staff member names will be assorted on this page to encourage appointments being spread out among multiple staff members.
Note: if there aren't any available times for the selected date, and your school has created a custom message, it'll be displayed in the middle of the page.
4. Select your desired appointment medium from the dropdown menu, then enter details about the appointment in the "What can we help you with?" section.
When you're ready, click the green Request button in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Tip: if you'd prefer a virtual appointment, choose "Virtual on Handshake" from the Appointment Medium dropdown!
6. You'll be taken to the appointment overview page, where you can add comments before the appointment, or cancel the appointment by clicking the red button Cancel.
Make sure to check your notifications for updates on the status of your appointment!
If you've requested a "Virtual on Handshake" appointment, check out Attending Virtual Appointments on Handshake!
1. Tap your Account icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
2. Tap Career Center, then tap on Appointments from your Career Centers page.
3. Tap the blue button Schedule A New Appointment.
4. Tap on the desired category, then tap on the desired type of appointment. A list of available appointment dates will be listed based on the category and type selected.
You can use the Category, Type, Staff Member, and Appointment Medium menus to change selections and choose from available appointment options.
5. Tap the arrows to the left and right of the Week of [Day, Date] dropdown to locate your preferred week, then scroll down to locate the appointment times for the selected date.
Note: days with available appointments will appear in blue text, while days with no availability will appear in gray text.
6. Tap on a time that works for you from the list that appears under the date.
7. Select your desired Appointment medium from the dropdown menu, then enter details about the appointment in the "What can we help you with?" section.
When you're ready, click the green Request button in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Tip: if you'd prefer a virtual appointment, choose "Virtual on Handshake" from the Appointment Medium dropdown!
8. You'll be taken to the overview of the appointment where you can cancel the appointment or add comments before the appointment.
Missing the Career Center option on the left navigation bar?
If you don't have Career Center as an option on the left navigation bar, it means your school doesn't currently partner with Handshake (yet!) If you're enjoying your experience on Handshake, feel free to encourage your career center to formally partner with us and we can unlock additional benefits for you and your institution!