Employers can view student profiles on Handshake if their company is approved to recruit at the student’s school and the student has opted to share their profile.
Profiles offer a comprehensive overview of a student’s academic and professional background, tailored to help employers connect with the right candidates.
For more information on connecting with schools, refer to School Network Management.
Access student profiles
Student profiles can be accessed from the following locations within Handshake:
- Home page (Matches and Applicants section)
- Jobs page (Matches tab)
- Jobs page (Applicants tab)
- Talent page
- Fairs and Events page (Candidates tab)
To view a profile, click the student’s name.
Note: If a student's profile is private, clicking on it will display the error message, “This user’s profile is private.”
For more details on messaging applicants with private profiles, refer to Messaging Applicants.
Student profiles
Student profiles display information that students either add themselves or sync into Handshake through their school.
Note: For candidates who have applied to your job postings, profiles include additional details such as the application date, status, uploaded documents, and an option to rate the applicant.
Profiles are designed to highlight key details relevant to employers, such as:
- Key information varies depending on where the profile is accessed and may include:
- Major and minor
- Work authorization (if disclosed by student)
- Graduation month and year
- School year
- GPA (if disclosed by student)
- Work study eligibility (visible only for work-study positions posted by your company)
- Preferred work locations (visible only for your on site job postings)
- Interested in roles (shown when a student’s interests align with job roles listed in the posting)
- Interested in industries
- Matching skills (visible if the student’s skills match your job’s requirements or preferences)
- Key information varies depending on where the profile is accessed and may include:
How they interacted with you
- Each activity is displayed as buttons, showing the number of occurrences for each:
- Messages
- Jobs
- Events
- Career Fairs
- Each activity is displayed as buttons, showing the number of occurrences for each:
Notes and labels
- Displays notes and labels added by you or your teammates.
- A concise overview of the student’s professional background, skills, and career goals.
Profiles may also include the following detailed sections:
Work Experience
- Employer name
- Location
- Job title
- Dates of employment
- School name
- School year
- Graduation date
- Major(s)
- Minor
- GPA (if disclosed by student)
Additional sections
- Skills
- Courses
- Organizations
- Projects
Candidate Touchpoints
Candidate Touchpoints (exclusive to Premium partners) provide additional insights into a student's interaction with your company, including:
- Messages sent by your team.
- Events or fairs the student RSVP’d for or attended with your company.
- Jobs applied to at your company.
Premium features are for Handshake Premium accounts only. For more information, please check out this resource.