With Handshake, you can save jobs of interest for quick access later!
Saving a job is perfect for when you're browsing jobs but aren't ready to apply right away. It allows you to "bookmark" the job and come back to it when you're ready to apply.
You'll also receive notifications if the job posting is updated, plus a reminder two days before the application deadline, so you never miss an opportunity!
Save a Job
You can save a job on Handshake in several ways by clicking the bookmark icon next to the job listing. Below are examples of where you'll find this option within Handshake.
- From the job postings list on the left side of the Jobs page
- Within the job posting details page, next to the Apply button
- At the very bottom of the job posting details page, located in the lower-right corner
- From any job collection curated on your Explore page
Locate your saved jobs
1. Click Jobs on the left navigation menu.
2. On the job search page, click on the tab Saved, located in the upper-left corner of the page.
3. From your list of saved jobs, you can review application deadlines, apply to the job, remove the saved job (by clicking the bookmark icon), or click the job title to view the entire posting.
To apply Learn more about how to apply for a job, refer to Apply for a Job in Handshake.
Saved Job Notifications
Job expiring soon; reminder
If you haven't applied to a job, an automated reminder will be sent to your primary email address on Handshake about 2 days before the application deadline. The email will include the following details:
From: Handshake <handshake@notifications.joinhandshake.com>
Subject: "Don't forget to apply to your favorited job at COMPANY NAME"
Content: "Your favorited job is expiring soon
Hi NAME, heads up - applications for your favorited job are due on DAY, DATE. Here are the details:
Job: TITLE(+link)
Company: NAME(+link)
Expiration date: DAY, DATE TIME TIMEZONE
Apply Now (button)"
Email Example:
Job updated notification
If a change is made to a job you've saved, a notification is sent to you with details on the change. The email is sent with the following details:
From: Handshake <handshake@notifications.joinhandshake.com>
Subject: "Update: COMPANY NAME just edited a job you favorited!"
"A job you favorited has been updated
Hi NAME, COMPANY NAME has made updates to a job you favorited.
Job: TITLE(+link)
Company: NAME(+link)
Expiration date: DAY, DATE TIME TIMEZONE
Apply Now (red button)
Job Info Changed to"
Email Example:
If you'd like to change your notification preferences, learn more in Managing Your Notification Preferences.