The Job Postings page in Handshake highlights key information relevant to the job posting status to speed up your workflow. Statuses are broken down into tabs with search filters and table columns.
Job Posting Status Tabs
Job postings are organized into five tabs based on possible statuses: Approved, In Progress, Pending, Declined, and Expired.
For increased posting review and processing speed, the default status tab is the Pending tab. However, if you are on another tab and leave the page, then come back later, the tab you were on will reload.
There are 50 Postings listed per page. Postings are displayed in a table with unique column headers per approval status to ensure the most high-impact information is readily available. For example, the count of saves is included on the Approved tab.
You can approve or decline postings from the table view in the Pending or In Progress tabs.
After approving 4 consecutive postings from the same company in the table view, Handshake will prompt you to enable auto-approve jobs for that employer. Intuitive Approvals may only be triggered from this table view (not from an individual posting itself).
For a breakdown of the approvals workflow, refer to Processing Job Posting Requests.
When you select at least one job posting from a non-Expired tab, bulk actions will appear in the column headers row. For more information, check out How to Use Bulk Actions on Jobs.
Individual Actions for a Job Posting
The Job Postings page will include actions for each individual job posting.
Note: The following example is taken from the Pending and In Progress tabs.
Approve job: Indicated by a checkmark. This action will approve the job instantly.
- If the employer is a New Employer, you will be asked to set permissions for them. Learn more about this process in Processing Employer Approval Requests using Job Based Approvals.
- Decline job: Indicated by a circle with a line through it. This action will decline the job instantly.
- View job details: Indicated by an arrow exiting a box. This action will open Job details in a separate tab.
Additional actions: Indicated by the ellipsis. This action will provide a dropdown menu; depending on the status tab, you will be provided some of the following options
- Set to "In progress"
- Copy job preview link
- Manage job labels
- Manage employer labels
- Email contacts or creators
- Decline employer
Job Posting Side Sheet
The Job Posting Side Sheet allows you to access job posting and employer information all in one location without needing to navigate away from the postings list page. To open this side sheet, click on any job on the postings list page and the side sheet will appear on the left side of the screen.
The following information will be available for your review:
Job Posting
- Job title
- Location
- Remote - This will only appear if the job is available for remote workers
- The job post ID number
- Additional actions: Select the 3 ellipsis button for more actions
- View job details
- Set to "In progress"
- Add label to job
- Remove label from job
- Email to students
- Email contacts or creators
- Add to favorite jobs
- Job description
- Employment type and duration
- Hiring team (contact)
- Posted on date
- Apply start - Expiration date
- Candidate qualifications
- Job roles
Employer Information
- Employer name
- Employer location
- Employer description
- Employer industry
- Employer size
- Employer type
- Website
- Employer contact: phone number and email address
- Account owner
- Additional actions: Select the 3 ellipsis button for more actions
- View employer profile
- Add label to employer
- Remove label from employer
- Edit employer collections
- Employer tags (if applicable, for more information on employer tags visit: Employer Tags)
Search Filters
Filters are optimized to increase your ability to locate relevant postings and help you more easily approve jobs. Each status tab has specific filters listed above the list of jobs. Every status tab will have the option to select from All Filters. Below is an example of what the Pending tab provides as filters:
All Filters
Selecting the All Filters option will open a side sheet on the right side of the screen. The options for All filters changes based on the status tab. Click the expandable headers below to explore all filter options for each respective status tab.
All Filters for the Approved tab
- Search by keyword
- Jobs approved automatically
- Location Type
- Locations
- Jobs located at a residential address
- Employer is located outside of the United States
- Job type
- Work-Study
- Salary type
- Paid
- Unpaid
Estimated pay
- Includes estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Includes pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
- Does not include estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Does not include pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
Apply start date
- Min
- Max
Expiration date
- Min
- Expiring soon with no applicants
- Job role
- Job function
- Employment type
- Duration
- Include job labels
- Exclude job labels
- Employer Industry
- Employer
- Employer collections
- Include employer labels
- Exclude employer labels
Employer tags
- Premium employers
- Major group
- Posted to all majors
- Exclude posted to all majors
School year
- US work authorization required
- US work authorization not required
- Open to candidates with OPT/CPT
- Eligible for visa sponsorship
- Posted by alumni
- Number of job saves
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Number of applicants
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Interview status
- Interviewing on campus
- Assigned to
- Show only second requests
- Marked as favorite job
All Filters for the In Progress and Pending tabs
- Search by keyword
- Location Type
- Locations
- Jobs located at a residential address
- Employer is located outside of the United States
Job Type
- Work study
Salary type
- Paid
- Unpaid
Estimated pay
- Includes estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Includes pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
- Does not include estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Does not include pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
Apply start date
- Min
- Max
Expiration date
- Min
- Expiring soon with no applicants
- Expiration date 1+ year
- Job role
- Job function
- Employment type
- Duration
- Include job labels
- Exclude job labels
- Employer Industry
- Employer
- Employer collections
- Include employer labels
- Exclude employer labels
Employer tags
- Premium employers
- Major group
- Posted to all majors
- Exclude posted to all majors
School year
- US work authorization required
- US work authorization not required
- Open to candidates with OPT/CPT
- Eligible for visa sponsorship
- Posted by alumni
Number of applications
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Interview status
- Assigned to
- Show only second requests
All Filters for the Declined tab
- Search by keyword
- Location Type
- Locations
- Jobs located at a residential address
- Employer is located outside of the United States
Job Type
- Work study
Salary type
- Paid
- Unpaid
Estimated pay
- Includes estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Includes pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
- Does not include estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Does not include pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
Apply start date
- Min
- Max
Expiration date
- Min
- Max
- Job role
- Job function
- Employment type
- Duration
- Include job labels
- Exclude job labels
- Employer Industry
- Employer
- Employer collections
- Include employer labels
- Exclude employer labels
Employer tags
- Premium employers
- Major group
- Posted to all majors
- Exclude posted to all majors
School year
- US work authorization required
- US work authorization not required
- Open to candidates with OPT/CPT
- Eligible for visa sponsorship
Number of applications
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Interview status
- Assigned to
- Show only second requests
All Filters for the Expired tab
- Search by keyword
- Location Type
- Locations
- Jobs located at a residential address
- Employer is located outside of the United States
- Job Type
Salary type
- Paid
- Unpaid
Estimated pay
- Includes estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Includes pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
- Does not include estimated pay (e.g. $50K/yr)
- Does not include pay range (e.g. $40-60K/yr)
Apply start date
- Min
- Max
Expiration date
- Min
- Max
- Job function
- Employment type
- Duration
- Include job labels
- Exclude job labels
- Employer Industry
- Employer
- Major group
- Major
- School year
Number of applications
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Assigned to
- Show only second requests
Create a Saved Search
Handshake makes it easy to save search criteria so the search can be run again in the future. If you would like to setup a saved search, please review the Create a Saved Search article to enable and apply saved search filters. Once created, a new filter called My Saved Filters will appear below Save These Filters on the left column of the Jobs page.