Ready to apply for a job or internship in Handshake? Follow the steps below to submit your application!
If you want to browse available opportunities, check out Searching for Jobs and Internships. This article offers tips on navigating the job search page and using filters to find the most relevant opportunities for you!
Apply for a job
1. Access the job you’d like to apply for. Click Jobs on the left navigation menu—The jobs overview page will display by default.
To view any previously saved jobs, click Saved in the upper-left corner of the page.
2. View the Job Details. Click on the job to load its full details page, which includes key information about the role.
3. Click on Apply, Apply Externally, or Quick Apply as applicable for that particular job.
Apply appears if one or more of the following are true:
- You don’t meet all employer preferences
- One or more documents are required, and you don’t have them uploaded
- More than one document is required
- You’re accessing a job via "Saved Jobs" that leads to an external application
- Apply Externally indicates the employer is using an external site to collect applications. Additional steps outside of Handshake are required to complete your application. Learn more about the next steps in Jobs: Apply Externally.
Quick Apply indicates you meet all employer preferences and either:
- No documents are required
- Only one document (a CV) is required, and you have at least one approved or pending CV uploaded. Learn more about this in Jobs: Quick Apply in Handshake.
4. Upload your documents and submit the application. Select your CV or other document(s), complete any additional required actions, and Submit Application.
Once you click Apply, a pop-up will appear with details about the application.
If a document is required, you can:
- Choose from your existing documents by selecting the dropdown menu
- Select one of your two most recently added documents
- Upload a new document by clicking the blue button Upload New
If a document isn't required, the pop-up will confirm no additional documents are needed, and you can submit the application by clicking the green button Submit Application, located in the lower-right corner of the popup.