Handshake collects work authorisation information directly from students along with preferences from employers to improve the application experience and increase transparency.
By providing responses, you save time through applying and interviewing for jobs that you can get, without employers requiring you to disclose your work authorisation details.
Prompt with work authorisation questions
Before submitting your first job application, you're prompted to answer work authorisation questions. Responses to questions in the prompt are stored in your profile under Settings & Privacy — you can edit these answers anytime.
Questions are based on the work authorisation requirements for the job:
Are you authorised to work in [country]?
- Yes, I am authorised
- Yes, but I am on a temporary visa
- No, I require visa sponsorship
- Prefer not to answer
Editing work authorisation questions
Work authorisation questions can be edited by following the steps below:
1. Click your account icon in the upper-right corner of Handshake, then click Settings & Privacy.
2. Scroll down the page to the Work Authorisation section.
3. Make your changes using the Country search and Authorisation status dropdown menu. Add a new work authorisation by clicking the blue button + Add work authorisation. You can also remove an work authorisation by clicking the grey trash can icon to the right of the row.
4. Click the black button Save Update to save your changes.
Application Qualification
Response selections on the work authorisation prompt are matched with the employer’s preferences on the job posting (or virtual fair sessions) and determine whether or not you are fully qualified for the job based on the preferences set by the employer.
On job postings, work authorisation details are available in the "At a glance" section, summarising:
- Salary
- Work arrangement (remote, hybrid, onsite)
- Job type
- Work authorisation and visa sponsorship