Interview Timelines allow you to define actions leading up to the interview day, including:
- Application dates/times
- Signup dates
When an employer requests an interview schedule at your institution, they will choose from one of your preconfigured timelines.
Create a Timeline
1. Click your name in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click Institution Settings.
2. Click Interview Schedule Timelines from the menu on the left of the page.
3. Click the blue Add Interview Schedule Timeline button, located in the upper-right corner of the page.
4. On the New Interview Timeline page, enter the following:
- Type: Select the Type of interview for your timeline.
- for more information on interview types, refer to About Types of Interviews
- Name: Create a name for the template to be identified for other staff members and employers.
- *Career Centre: If you are part of a distributed campus and have configured two or more Career Centres, choose the Career Centre that will be hosting the on-campus interviews.
- This will not appear if only one Career Centre is configured in Handshake.
- Hidden from Employers?: Check this box if you do not want the template displayed to employers.
- Tip: hide timelines from employers if they are only used internally, or if you are creating a custom timeline for a specific employer! You can assign hidden timelines to employer-requested schedules after approving.
- Description: Add a description to the timeline so the employer understands what this timeline encompasses.
Offsets for Room Only and Open Types:
- Apply start offset: Amount of days prior to the interview that students can apply.
- Apply start time: Time when students can start applying.
- Apply end offset: Amount of days prior to the interview when applications are no longer accepted.
- Apply end time: Time when applications must be submitted by.
Offsets for Preselect Type:
- Apply start offset: Amount of days prior to the interview that students can apply.
- Apply start time: Time when students can start applying.
- Apply end offset: Amount of days prior to the interview when applications are no longer accepted.
- Apply end time: Time when applications must be submitted by.
- Employer reminder date offset: Date to remind employer to make their primary and alternate applicant selections.
- Employer reminder time: Time the reminder email should be sent.
- Note: you may leave these fields blank if you do not want a reminder sent to employers.
- Employer reminder time: Time the reminder email should be sent.
- Primary start offset: Date Primary candidates may select their interview slots.
- Primary start time: Time Primary candidates may select their interview slots.
- Alternate start offset: Date Alternative candidates may select their interview slots.
- Alternate start time: Time Alternative candidates may select their interview slots.
- Signup end offset: Date students may no longer sign up for interview slots.
- Note: students will no longer be able to leave or swap interview slots at this time.
- Signup end time: Time students may no longer sign up for interview slots.
Based on the Apply start offset entered, you can analyse example scenarios, displayed to the right of the timeline option picker.
5. Click the green Create Interview Schedule timeline button in the lower-right corner to save the new timeline.