Premium partners can message students without a Handshake account after they register for a publicly shared event.
Students without a Handshake account can register as guests and attend your event. Since guest registrations do not create Handshake accounts, the follow-up process for these candidates differs slightly from messaging those with Handshake profiles.
Premium features are for Handshake Premium accounts only. For more information, please check out this resource.
Identifying a candidate without a Handshake profile
Candidates without a Handshake profile will be indicated by a human icon with an X and the text 'No Handshake profile' below their name.
To display only candidates without a Handshake profile, click the blue button All filters in the header. In the Handshake profile section on the sidebar, select the "No profile" option.
Messaging a candidate without a Handshake profile
Candidate without a Handshake profile receives messages to the email address they used to register.
Candidates will not be able to respond to the message via Handshake. However, you may opt to allow candidates without Handshake profiles to reply to employee email addresses within your Company Settings: Global Settings.
To send a candidate without a Handshake profile a message, refer to Messaging Event and Fair RSVPs.