Fairs in Handshake allow you to set student qualifications in order to restrict registration to a particular subset of students based on Education information.
All students will be able to view the fair, regardless of qualifications set, however, students' Education data must meet the qualifications selected in order to register for the fair.
Qualification logic is 'AND' across qualification types, and 'OR' within a particular type.
- For example, if you select Level of Study: Masters, Doctorate 'AND' select Colleges: College of Business, and this would allow any Masters 'OR' Doctorate students with College of Business listed in their Education details to register.
1. To add student qualifications, click Fairs on the left navigation bar. The list of fairs that your institution has created or been invited to will appear. Select the fair that you'd like to set qualifications for.
2. Click the Edit tab in the upper-right corner of the page, then click on Student Qualifications from the menu on the left of that page.
3. Select the desired qualifications for fair attendees:
Levels of study: Select levels of study to limit registrations to only students with these levels of study. You may select as many as you like.
- Note: Students that do not have a level of study on their profile will not be able to register.
- Course Groups: Select specific course groups to limit registrations to students with a qualifying course.
- Colleges: Enter the name(s) of colleges that students must be linked to in order to register for the fair.
- Required Labels: Enter any labels that students must have on their profile in order to register.