Booth Check-In helps with tracking check-ins for in-person career fairs. This method will streamline how your students check-in to a career fair. These QR codes can be printed or displayed through a device so students can scan in and immediately check-in. Accurate timestamps will also be provided in a downloadable spreadsheet, accessible after the fair is complete.
We will be exploring how to access QR codes before the fair, and following that up with how to access check-in information and data after the fair.
Before the Fair
We will be using the following workflow to distribute QR codes to employers, so that on the day of the fair, students can check-in using the QR codes.
After you’ve created a career fair, click View Employers on the Career Fair page:
You’ll be directed to a full list of employers that were approved for this fair.
Accessing multiple employer QR codes
You can access the QR codes using one of two methods:
- Click Print booth QR codes to be directed to a list of QR codes for all approved employers.
- Alternatively, you can use the boxes on the left to select specific employers and choose Print booth QR codes to access the QR codes for those employers.
Either method will provide you with a list of QR codes. You can scroll through the page to identify the employer and their unique QR code.
Accessing individual employer QR codes
To access individual QR codes, click the triple-line hamburger icon on the right side of the page next to the employer of your choice and choose View check-ins.
On the next screen, click Print booth QR Code in the upper right corner of the page.
You’ll be directed to a page with an individual QR code for that specific employer.
Download PNGs for QR codes
If you’re interested in downloading the PNGs of the QR codes, use the workflows above to print the booth QR code for an individual employer.
When you click Print booth QR code, you can choose to download the QR codes as PNG files by clicking Download as PNGs.
A zip folder will be downloaded to your computer. Extract the contents to view the PNG files of the QR code.
Note: The PNG files will be downloaded with the employer’s name in the filename. Feel free to change this as needed to track the QR codes effectively.
QR Code Page
The image below has the actual QR code removed, but represents what the QR code page will appear as.
After the Fair
After the fair has ended, you can navigate back to the employers registration page by clicking View Employers.
Click the triple-line hamburger icon on the right side of the page next to the employer of your choice and choose View check-ins.
On the next screen, you’ll have access to a list of individual students that have checked-in to this employer’s session. Select Download Check-ins on the upper right corner of the page to download a spreadsheet of the check-in information.
Note: If employers from different divisions have attended the fair, their check-ins will be accessible under one Employer registration. Our Product Team is considering separate division support for Employer Booth Check-In as a future update.