Attendee Reports provide information about the students that have registered and attended an event that's hosted by your school or an employer. After downloading the report, you'll see helpful information such as the student's major, when they checked-in to the event, how they checked-in, and more. To learn more about the format of an Attendee Report, please refer to Attendees: Download Event and Fair Attendees Across Multiple Schools.
To download an attendee report for a specific event, follow these steps:
- Click Events on the left hand navigation bar.
- On the Events page, click on the event from the Events List for which you’d like to run the attendee report.
- On the event’s overview page, click on the Attendees tab in the upper right hand corner.
On the Event Attendee Review page, click Download Attendee CSV at the top of the page. A comma separated variable file (.CSV) will be downloaded. The file can be saved to your hard drive in the format needed, (for example, an Excel file).