If you need to remove a student attendee from a Career Fair or Event, follow the process below.
Remove attendee from a Career Fair
1. Navigate to the Career Fair in Handshake, then click the Attendees tab in the upper-right corner of the page.
2. Click the light gray button View Registered Student within the Students section of the page, then select the session the student is registered for.
Note: if you have multiple sessions, you'll need to select the session that the student is registered for.
3. Click on the students name, or search for the student in the key word search bar.
4. Click the link Remove Attendee, located to the right of the students name.
Note: ensure the Checked In box is not checked to remove the student attendee.
5. Click the red button Remove Attendee in the pop-up to confirm the removal of the attendee.
If you'd like to register a student from the waitlist in the removed student's place, you can select that student's name, then select "register from waitlist". Refer to Waitlists for Events & Fairs for more information.
Remove attendee from an Event
1. Navigate to the Event in Handshake, then click the Attendees tab in the upper-right corner of the page.
2. Click on the students name, or search for the student in the key word search bar.
3. Click the link Remove Attendee, located to the right of the students name.
Note: ensure the Checked In box is not checked to remove the student attendee.
4. Click the red button Remove Attendee in the pop-up to confirm the removal of the attendee.
If you'd like to register a student from the waitlist in the removed student's place, you can select that student's name, then select "register from waitlist". Refer to Waitlists for Events & Fairs for more information.