Employers can contact a school on Handshake to inquire about their approval status, permissions, or for guidance.
To view or respond to a comment left by a school on a job posting, refer to How to View Comments on a Job Posting.
Contact career services
1. At the upper-left of any page in Handshake, enter the name of the school in the search bar, then click on it.
- Type the school's complete name to refine your search results.
- If the school does not appear, more than likely, the school is not partnered with Handshake.
2. The school profile will automatically load. Navigate to the bottom left of their profile page.
The school's contact information will be located in the Contact Information section.
Note: the contact information may include either or both their phone number and email address.
3. Depending on the information available, you may either call their office or email their staff.
- If you prefer to leave a comment, add your comment in the Discussion section, then click the blue button Add Comment.
Note: a school's response time is dependent upon their operating hours and availability.