Once a job has been created, you can add an attachment to the job posting to provide additional information or resources for applicants to review before submitting their application.
If you have not yet posted a job, and would like to, refer to How to Post a Job.
Add an attachment
1. Click Jobs from the left navigation bar, then select the job you want to add an attachment to.
2. The job posting page will load–click the Job details tab, in the upper-middle section of the page.
3. Click the white button Edit attachments in the Attachments section to the right of the page.
4. Click the New Attachment tab in the upper-right corner of the page.
5. Enter the name of the file in the Name field, then click the gray button Choose file to upload the desired file.
6. Once the file is uploaded, click the green button Create Attachment.
7. The message "Attachment was successfully created" will display in a green banner at the top of the page.
8. The attachment will begin to process, and display the message "Attachment processing (refresh for updates).
- Refresh the webpage. If the file is processed, it will display on the page as it was uploaded.
- Teammates may click the blue button Download to download the file.
- To edit the file while it's uploaded, click the white button Edit and repeat the steps above.