On Handshake, you can post personal-type jobs. These types of jobs typically include roles such as babysitting, caretaking, tutoring, etc.
These types of jobs are ideal for students who want to earn supplementary income while maintaining flexible hours that accommodate other commitments.
To post personal jobs, we recommend creating an employer account using a personal email address. Read more about Registering for an Employer Account with a Generic Email Address.
Employers must adhere to the following guidelines in order to post a personal job on Handshake:
Register their employer account with a generic email address
- If you are already connected to your company on Handshake, you can create a secondary employer account to post your personal jobs. Learn How to Create a New Company Profile.
- Note: personal jobs cannot be posted on actual company pages, i.e. the company you work for.
- List a personal Facebook or Linkedin page as their website
- A college website may be listed as your website (only if instructed by the college where the job will be posted).
- Use "LASTNAME Family" or any other similar term as their company profile name
Best practices
Before posting your job at the school, we recommend that you review the school's recruiting policies on their website. This will ensure that you adhere to their guidelines and expectations.
If you cannot find the information you need on their website or need clarification, we encourage you to contact their career services office by email or phone for further assistance.
Please note that each school is responsible for approving or declining employer requests to connect, and each school has different deciding factors when selecting which employers to connect with and which roles to provide.
We also advise all employers to thoroughly complete their company profile. Discover how to Create a High Quality Employer Profile.