In Handshake, you can customize your user settings to best suit your individual preferences and needs.
It's important to note that user settings only affect the individual user, unlike company settings, which apply to the entire company.
To edit your company settings instead, refer to How to Edit Your Company Settings.
Access your user settings
Click on your name in the upper-right corner of any page, then click User settings from the dropdown.
Manage your user settings
The User Settings menu on the left allows you to view and edit six different sections as needed.
Account Information
In this section, you can view and edit your basic user information, such as your name, title, and email address.
You can also export your preferred calendar, so you can add your Handshake events to your calendar.
All fields marked with an asterisk are required:
- *First name
- *Last name
- Title
- Email address
- Visible on Company Profile
- If checked, students can view your contact information and message you from your company's profile page.
- Learn more about the Public Staff List.
- *Phone Number
- Mobile Phone Number
- Bio
- Alma mater
- Hide student profile pictures
- If checked, the student's profile picture will not be visible when viewing their profile.
To update any changes, click the green button Update User in the lower-right corner of the page.
Notification Preferences
Handshake allows you to receive notifications for activities that you may be interested in. Explore your Default Notification Preferences (Employers).
Bulk Messaging Preferences
All user roles except for Representative can set safeguards to prevent sending bulk messages to duplicate students.
You can automatically remove students from your message recipient list if: (select one or more)
- They have applied to a job at {your company} in the past 12 months.
- I have sent them a message in the past 12 months.
- Anyone at {your company} has sent them a message in the past 12 months.
Note: if you're previewing a bulk message, you may encounter the message "We've excluded (X) candidates based on your message filter preferences." This indicates that you are filtering out candidates based on your preferences.
Create Notes from Email
Handshake allows you to send notes into the system via email, so that you can remember your interactions with students and share information with others.
Note: the email must be sent from the email address associated with your account.
1. To send a note from your email into Handshake, copy the email address that is listed, and add it to your contacts in your email.
2. Create a new email with the student information you would like the note to contain, and send the email to the address that you have added or copied from your User Settings.
Note: quoted text and signatures will not be included in the note. This includes text from forwarded emails. If you would like to include this text, you will need to send the text in a new email.
Added notes that have not yet been applied to a student will be found in the section Pending Notes.
Added notes that have been applied to a student will be found in the section Applied Notes.
Calendar Sync
Add our unique URL to your calendar to sync Handshake events, and much more.
Note: Fairs aren't included in this export.
There are many calendar applications available, and some are built into your operating system. We have included links to instructions for some of the most popular calendar applications below.
If your calendar application isn't listed, refer to the instruction manual for your calendar application to add an ICS URL.
*It can take 12 hours to transfer your updates from Handshake to Google Calendar — this is a Google setting and can't be modified by Handshake.