From: Handshake <>
Subject: "Application submitted to [COMPANY NAME]"
Content:"Application submitted
Subject: "Application submitted to [COMPANY NAME]"
Content:"Application submitted
Nice work! You successfully applied to JOB TITLE(+link) at COMPANY NAME on DATE at TIME TIMEZONE.
Good Luck!"
💡Note: Some employers may send custom responses to applicants based on their application status. While these emails are sent from Handshake(, both the subject line and content are fully customized by the employer. A key indicator that the email is from the employer is the line "Sent from [COMPANY NAME]," located just below the custom message.
Received an application confirmation, but didn't apply to the job?
If you receive an email confirmation, but you didn't apply for the job, it's likely because:
- A Career Services staff member at your school manually added you as an applicant to the job posting.
- The employer reviewed your Handshake profile and added you as an applicant to an on-campus interview schedule that is linked to the job posting.
Handshake sends application confirmation emails only when an application is successfully submitted to an active job posting. However, if you're added as an applicant to an expired posting, and the employer has set up custom responses, you may still receive an email based on their settings.