To provide equal opportunity to Handshake, students and alumni are always able to create and request an account on either the main login page or your school-specific domain:
- Handshake's website
- Your institutions specific domain page
Note: both of these options have the same registration process.
1. To sign up for an account, students are prompted to register with their .edu email address on the registration page.
2. Students are then required to add their school:
- If the student has an email domain that matches your institutions settings in Handshake, the field will pre-populated with the matching school.
- If the student has an email domain that does not match, they will need to select their school from the dropdown menu.
If your institution has chosen to add an additional set of instructions specific to the approval process, these will also be displayed on the page.
For more information on creating custom request messages, refer to How to Configure Your Institutions Request Message.
3. Once the school is confirmed, the student will need to create a unique password for their account and agree to Handshake's Terms of Service.
4. Students will then be prompted to fill in their information:
- First name
- Last name
- Major
- Graduation Month
- Graduation Year
5. Once the information is added, the account is created and a confirmation email is sent. The student must click the link in the email confirmation to confirm and use the account.
Depending on your school's settings and the email address they used, the student will either be:
- auto-approved to connect with your institution
- refer to School Settings: Details for more information on this feature
- in the Pending Requests waiting to be approved by a career services user
- refer to Processing Student & Alumni Connection Requests for more information on approving student requests
- Note: until the student is approved to connect with your institution, they will have limited access to Handshake, as described in the student-facing article If You Can Only Access Profile and Fairs. They will not be able to access any of the school-specific features on Handshake such as:
- Jobs/internships
- Events
- Fairs
- Approved Employers