The School Network Management page enables you to manage your school connections efficiently, as well as discover new schools to connect with from our 1000+ partner schools.
Features available only to Premium partners are indicated by an asterisk (*). For more information, please check out this resource.
Permission to recruit at each school is maintained at a company-to-school level. This means:
- If you want to recruit from specific schools, you must either post a job and receive approval or contact each school directly to request approval if you don’t have a job to post.
- If a school declines your job posting, you may post another job to that school as long as the school has not declined your company.
- If a school rejects your company, you can't post jobs or do other recruiting activities at that school. You can post events or register for career fairs, but the school won't update your connection status.
Access School Network Management
Click Schools from the left navigation bar in Handshake.
All employers have access to the following tabs:
- *For premium employers, the Favorites tab is labeled School Lists.
Your Employer's Schools
- All schools your employer is approved by that have not been added to your Favorites list.
More Schools on Handshake
- Schools your employer is not currently approved by, where you can request approval.
*Premium partners have access to the additional tab:
- School Explorer
Basic employers:
Premium partners:
Each tab is described in detail below. Click on each header as applicable.
Favorites (*School Lists)
The Favorites tab includes all schools that have been added as "Favorites" from both the Your Employer's Schools and the More Schools on Handshake tab.
*For premium employers, the Favorites tab is labeled School Lists, where you can view your favorite schools and create new school lists. Learn more about How to Use School Lists.
You may select any school from the Favorites list to post a job, host an event or an on-campus interview, and register for and attend an event or fair.
Page filters
Use the filters on the left sidebar to refine your search results.
Basic employers have access to the following filters:
- Keyword search
- This defines how you can interact with the school in Handshake. For example, if you do not have permission to post a job, you will not see that school as an option to post to.
- Location
Handshake Open
- Students in the Handshake Open Network attend 4-year accredited institutions in the United States who have not directly purchased and partnered with Handshake.
- Community and Technical Colleges
- Ranking
- Size
- Region
Remove schools from Favorites
Remove a single school
1. Click the gray button Remove to the far right of the school name.
2. In the pop-up modal, confirm the action by clicking the red button Remove.
Remove multiple schools
1. Check the box to the left of each school's name.
2. Click the hyperlinked text "Remove Selected" in the upper-right corner of the table.
3. In the pop-up modal, confirm the action by clicking the red button Remove.
Your Employer's Schools
The Your Employer's Schools tab includes all the schools that your company is approved to recruit at.
- To add schools one at a time, click the hyperlinked text Add to Favorites to the right of each school's name.
- To add multiple schools, check the box next to each school name, then click Add to Favorites in the upper-right corner of the table.
*If you're a Premium partner, you can add schools to an existing school list or create a new list from the schools you want to add.
- To add a school(s) to an existing school list, check the box next to each school name, then click the hyperlinked text Add to list.
- To create a new list from the school(s) selected, click More, then select New List from selected from the dropdown.
Page filters
Use the filters on the left sidebar to refine your search results.
Basic employers have access to the following filters:
- Keyword search
- This defines how you can interact with the school in Handshake. For example, if you do not have permission to post a job, you will not see that school as an option to post to.
- Location
Handshake Open
- Students in the Handshake Open Network attend 4-year accredited institutions in the United States who have not directly purchased and partnered with Handshake.
- Community and Technical Colleges
- Ranking
- Size
- Region
*Premium partners have access to the additional tab:
Institution Type
- Includes Minority-Serving Institutions (nationally recognized colleges and universities that educate students of color), and Women's Colleges (undergraduate, bachelor's degree-granting institutions whose student populations are composed exclusively or almost exclusively of women).
More Schools on Handshake
The More Schools on Handshake tab includes schools where your company has not yet posted a job, schools where your job is posted but currently pending, and schools that have declined either your company or job.
Page filters
Click the white button All Filters to open the side sheet, where you can select filters to refine your search results.
Basic employers have access to the following filters:
- Keyword search
Approval Status
- Pending
- Declined
- Available to post job
- Learn more about this status.
- Location
- Community and Technical Colleges
- Ranking
- Size
- Region
*Premium partners have access to the additional filter:
- Institution Type
Post job
You can post a job to schools with the approval status Available to post job. After selecting a school from the table and clicking the Choose job button, you will be redirected to the Jobs page.
From there, you can either create a new job posting or select an active job posting to post to the school. Learn how to How to Post a Job to Additional Schools.
*School Explorer
If you are a Premium partner, refer to School Network Management: School Explorer.
Other actions
View and add notes
From any tab on the School Network Management page, click on the name of the school to access their profile and view and add notes.
To view or add a note, click the blue button View & Add Notes in the Actions section located to the left of the page.
To begin, enter your note in the Note field provided, then click the blue button Add Note.
- To share the note with your staff, click the blue button Share with Staff.
- To keep the note private, and only visible to you, select Personal Note from the Share with Staff dropdown.
Add a comment
To contact Career Services at any school with a comment, click directly on their profile.
- If you're already connected with the school, add your comment in the textbox in the sub-section Discussion in the School Approval section, then click the blue button Add Comment.
- If you're not yet connected, and you have a pending job at a school, add your comment in the textbox in the sub-section Add Comment in the Job History section, then click the blue button Add Comment.
The school will be notified and can reply if they wish. As long as your notifications are enabled, you will receive a notification if they respond. Explore your Default Notification Preferences (Employers).
View comment history
To view your comment history with a particular school, click directly on their profile.
- If you click to view a school's profile from the Your Employer's Schools tab, comments will display in the sub-section Discussion in the School Approval section.
- If you click to view a school's profile from the More Schools on Handshake tab, comments will display in the sub-section Add Comment in the Job History section.