Employers who have already created an employer account are welcome to sign up for a student account as well.
Before signing up for a student account, there are certain things that should be considered:
- If you have access to your .edu email address, we recommend using that email to sign up.
- Signing up with your .edu email address will make it easier to connect with your school.
- If you do not have access to your .edu email address, we suggest contacting your school's career services office to confirm if you have an alumni account.
- If you do not have an alumni account, verify if they have a preference as to which email address you should use (personal email instead of your corporate email address).
- The school may create an account for you using either your edu. email or your personal email.
Your school set up your account
If your school created an initial account using your .edu or personal email, you will receive an email invitation.
1. Access your email inbox and locate the invitation.
The email will read:
Sent from: "handshake@notifications.joinhandshake.com"
Subject: "You have been invited to Handshake"
"You have been added as a student
Hello [NAME]
You have been added as a student at [SCHOOL NAME]. An initial account has been set up for you. Your username is [varies]
Please confirm your account by clicking this link: Confirm My Account
Thank you,
The Handshake Team
What is Handshake?
Handshake is a revolutionary way for students to connect and interact with recruiting employers and build their career community. Get started today building a profile designed to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular interests, and professional skills."
2. Click the hyperlinked text Confirm My Account to proceed.
3. Once clicked, you are prompted to set a password. Enter and confirm your password in each respective text box, then click the blue button Confirm Account.
4. Once confirmed, the message Account Confirmed displays in a green banner at the top of the page. Enter your password to sign in, then click the blue button Sign In.
Learn more about The Student Onboarding Experience.
Your school did not set up your account- you need to create one
1. Navigate to https://app.joinhandshake.com/login.
- If you are currently logged in to your employer account, log out before proceeding.
- To sign out, click your name in the upper-right corner of the page, then select Sign out from the dropdown.
- Note: once you're signed out, your browser will likely remember your employer email address, and the page will display the message "Welcome back, [NAME].
2. On the sign in page, click the white text Switch Accounts toward the lower left of the page.
3. On the next page, select your school from the Students & Alumni dropdown.
Note: the dropdown menu will display the first 25 schools in alphabetical order. If your school is not listed, type the name of your school in the search bar to find it.
4. Enter your .edu email address in the provided textbox. If you do not have an .edu email, enter your personal email address.
5. Click the blue button Get Started to set up your account. You will receive a verification email to create a password.
6. Check your email to set your password.
7. In the email received, click the blue hyperlinked text Set My Password to set your password.
8. After clicking, you will be directed back to Handshake and prompted to create a password. Enter and confirm your password in each respective text box, then click the blue button Next.
9. Once your password is set and confirmed, the message "Your password has been successfully changed" displays on the page. Click the blue button Sign In to sign into your account.