The School Explorer module enables Premium partners to more efficiently partner with schools based on growth needs.
Premium features are for Handshake Premium accounts only. For more information, please check out this resource.
Access School Explorer
1. Click Schools from the left navigation bar in Handshake, then click the School Explorer tab.
Applicant filters
Use the filters on the left sidebar to find schools with the largest student population that meets your criteria.
You can filter schools by:
- Keyword Search
- Location Interests
- School Year
- Major Category
- Community and Technical Colleges
- Institution Type
- Diversity and Inclusion-Focused Organizations
- Graduation Date
- Majors
- Past Companies
- Past Job Titles
- Organizations / Extracurriculars
- Skills
Suggested schools
After selecting at least one filter, a section will load at the top of the page to display the top suggested schools and the total number of schools.
Note: only schools that have partnered with Handshake will be displayed.
Additional filters can be applied:
- Exclude schools already in Favorites
- Exclude schools you’re approved at
- Exclude schools you’re not approved at
Schools will be listed in order of the number of students that match all the selected filters.
Your company's connection status with the school is displayed on the far right of the school's name.
- Chose job: you're not yet connected to the school. Click the white button Chose job to post a job to the school. Upon job approval, you will be automatically connected with the school.
- In Favorites: you're connected with the school, and you've added the school to your Favorites list.
- Add to Favorites: you're connected with the school, but the school has not been added to your Favorites list. Click the gray button Add to Favorites to add the school to your Favorites list.
Bulk actions
To complete a bulk action, check the box to the left of the name of each desired school. Once selected, the following bulk actions will be available:
Start Segment with these schools
- Learn how How to Build a Segment.
- Add to list
- New List from selected
- New Job from selected
- New Event from selected
- Explore How to Use School Lists.