Quick Apply reduces time spent on the application process by making it easier for students to apply for jobs.
The opportunity to apply for a job via 'Quick Apply' is only available if:
- You meet all of the employer's specified candidate preferences on the job AND
- There are no required documents OR
- There is only one required document (a CV), AND you have an approved or pending CV.
To learn more about other application methods on the platform, check out Apply for a Job in Handshake and Jobs: Apply Externally.
To find jobs to apply for on Handshake, refer to Searching for Jobs and Internships.
Quick Apply on mobile
Once you've found a job of interest that has 'Quick Apply' as an option, click the black button Quick Apply on the jobs details page.
If there are no required documents, a message at the bottom of the screen will confirm no additional documents are required. Click Submit Application to proceed.
If a CV is required, your most recently uploaded CV (that is approved or pending) is selected. Click Preview, located below the document's name to review.
If you'd prefer to attach a different CV, click the X, located to the right of the documents name, then choose a different CV via one of the options below:
- Click in the search bar to view all uploaded documents (approved or pending)
- Click the up-arrow icon to upload a new document
If this is the correct document to include, and you're ready to apply, click Submit Application to proceed.
After the application is successfully submitted, a black confirmation will appear at the bottom of the screen stating "Application submitted!" A green banner at the top of the job will also be displayed showing the date you applied.
You'll also receive an email confirmation letting you know that you submitted your application successfully. For more information on this email, check out Application Submitted: Email Confirmation.
Additional considerations
Employer's can select candidate preferences per job, and preference matching is based on information in your Handshake profile. If you should match the qualifications set for a job, learn how to make the necessary updates to your profile:
Some institutions that partner with Handshake choose to review uploaded CVs. Depending on your institution's preferences, documents that aren't approved may prevent the application from being fully submitted.
Document feedback and review preferences are customisable per institution. If your document on an application states "Pending", we recommend you contact your career centre to learn more about the selected preferences.
For more information on document statuses in Handshake, check out Document Status in Handshake.