A segment is a filtered group of students that you can use to create a campaign or identify job matches. A campaign is a message you'll send to these selected students, often about a job posting or event.
Premium features are for Handshake Premium accounts only. For more information, please check out this resource.
Access segments
Click Segments from the left navigation bar. This page lists active segments created by you and your teammates, as well as archived segments.
The page contains a table with columns that present the following information:
- Name: the name of the segment
- Date Created: the date the segment was created
- Count: the number of students within the segment
- Schools: how many schools are included in the segment
- Owner: the creator of the segment
The table includes several icons, each representing a specific action:
- Envelope: initiate a campaign directly from this segment.
- Pencil: modify or update the segment details.
- Paper: create a duplicate of the segment.
- Trash bin: archive the segment to remove it from active use.
Create a segment
1. Click the black button Create Segment in the upper-right corner of the page to create a new segment.
2. Use the filters to identify the subset of students you want to include. As you add filters, the dynamic query on the right side of the page will display the results. As you select more filters, the number of students included will generally decrease.
- When using segment filters, the candidates included are determined by reviewing all of the education details that candidates have made available on their Handshake profiles.
- For example, if you're seeking BA candidates who majored in Business, the results may display candidates who have completed a B.A degree in that specific degree, and are in pursuit of a higher degree, e.g., Masters.
Filters in segments include:
- Select individual schools, or add a School List. Learn How to Use School Lists.
Handshake Open
- Students in the Handshake Open Network attend 4-year accredited institutions in the United States who have not directly purchased and partnered with Handshake.
Community and Technical Colleges
- Exclude Community College and Technical Schools
- Include ONLY Community College and Technical Schools
- Profile Keyword
Major Group
- Major Group consolidates majors across schools into a common taxonomy.
- Major Keyword
Major Category
- TEM Only
- Liberal Arts
Graduation and Class Standing
- I'm looking for (select one)
- New Grad Hires
- Intern Hires
- Recent Grad Hires
- Custom (choose a custom graduation date range)
- I'm looking for (select one)
Work Authorization
- Does not have work authorization - will need sponsorship
- Has work authorization - will not need sponsorship
- Status unknown
- Organizations/Extracurriculars
- Job Role Interests
- Candidate Industry Interests
Candidate Job Seeking Interests
- Full-Time
- Part-Time
- Learn more about Segments: Job Seeking Interests.
- Achievements & Accolades
- Student Location Preferences
- Candidate Location Preferences
- Current Location
- Desired Language
- Proficiency Level
- Note: you need to add at least one language proficiency level to save your segment.
Skills & Experience
- Desired Skills
- Coursework
- Work Experience
Underrepresented Groups
- Organizations (by type)
- Institutions (by type)
- Note: if you select an underrepresented group filter, you must select at least one other filter to populate results — these filters may not be used alone.
3. After selecting the filters, enter a segment name in the upper-right corner of the page, then click the blue button Save Segment.
4. From here, you will be redirected back to the Segments page, where your new segment will appear at the top. You can also use the search box on this page to locate your segment.