If you've recently created a job in Handshake, and the Matches tab shows zero results, there are various reasons this may occur.
Discover why you aren't receiving matches and what you can do to increase your talent pool with this resource.
Job has closed
The job is no longer active. Matches appear only for jobs that are open at one or more schools.
Based on the initial application close date, one or more of the following options may be available:
Renew job
Extend your application close date and repost your job, while retaining existing applicants.
Click the hyperlinked text Edit close date.
- Learn more about Updating Job Posting Dates.
Click the hyperlinked text Edit close date.
Extend your application close date and repost your job, while retaining existing applicants.
Duplicate this job
Easily copy your existing job details while removing previously requested schools and past applicants.
- Click the hyperlinked text Duplicate job.
Easily copy your existing job details while removing previously requested schools and past applicants.
Note: after you renew or duplicate your job, the posting will be resubmitted for approval at each school it was posted to. For additional details, refer to Understanding Job Posting Approvals.
This job has not been posted to any schools
For matches to appear, the job must be posted to at least one school.
- Click the hyperlinked text Post job to a school to post your job to your preferred connected school(s).
- Refer to the 'Choose your schools' section in How to Post a Job.
- If you have not yet been approved by any schools, refer to Understanding School Approvals.
No matches to display
No matches display when we are unable to find candidates who fully match the filters you currently have applied.
To receive matches, we recommend taking the following steps:
Change your qualifications
These are the specific candidate qualifications you can edit:
- Work authorization
- School year
- Graduation date
- Major groups
- To edit your qualifications, click the hyperlinked text Manage your qualifications, then navigate to the Candidate qualifications section in the job form, and click the pencil icon to the right.
- For additional details, refer to Understanding Job and Applicant Qualifications.
- To edit your qualifications, click the hyperlinked text Manage your qualifications, then navigate to the Candidate qualifications section in the job form, and click the pencil icon to the right.
These are the specific candidate qualifications you can edit:
Open this job to more schools
- Post your job to additional schools to widen your talent pool.
- Click the hyperlinked text Post to more schools to post your job to more schools.
- Post your job to additional schools to widen your talent pool.
No schools have approved your job yet
Once your job has been approved by the school(s) where it was posted, matches will appear.
In the meantime, you can:
Review the approval status of each school the job was posted to.
- Click the hyperlinked text See school approval statuses to view the job approval status.
Post the job to more schools to widen your talent pool.
- Click the hyperlinked text Post to more schools to post your job to more schools.
Learn more about Job Matches.