Students can apply for your interview schedule if you attach at least one job before the application period.
Candidates will not be able to apply unless there are approved jobs associated with your schedule.
If your job has not been approved yet, refer to Understanding Job Posting Approvals.
Add a job to an interview schedule
1. Click Interviews from the left navigation bar, then select the interview that you want to attach a job to.
2. On the Interview Schedule page, click the blue button Manage Jobs in the upper-right corner.
3. On the Jobs tab, select a job(s) to attach to the interview schedule from the dropdown.
- To remove a selected job, click the blue button Remove to the far right of the page.
- If you want to create a new job to attach, click the white blue Create a new job.
- Upon clicking, you will be redirected to the job form page where you can create a new job. After creating the job, return to the interview schedule page and attach the job.
4. Once the job is attached, click the blue button Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
5. The page will refresh and the Interview Schedule page will load. The confirmation message "Interview Schedule was successfully updated." will display in a green banner.
Students will now be able to apply to your interview schedule through the associated jobs.